Are you a caffeine addict? Caffeine sensitive? Do you have a caffeine allergy?
Do you drink energy drinks?
Cut out the coffee/caffeine and get energy! Coffee actually steals your energy!
This information I am sharing comes from my collection over the years as a nutritional therapist. Those of you who wish to study etc. can continue searching. I am lining up the info and sowing the seeds..
1 cup of coffee has about 140 mg of caffeine, espresso 70 mg, black tea about 50 mg…..

Caffeine/coffee is a behaviorally-altering drug. It is a neurotoxin and acidifier for the body. Caffeine drains the body of the minerals calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, and B vitamins and other nutrients. It drives calcium out of the bones.
Caffeine is a neurotoxin that destroys myelin on nerve fibers, and it leads to nervousness, headaches, insomnia, anxiety and other neurological problems.
The coffee bush is sprayed with: BOT, ALDRIN, DIELDRIN, BHC.
The solvent hexane is used to extract the caffeine.
When coffee is roasted, “tars” are formed, which belong to the polycyclic hydrocarbons, the same ones that are formed when smoking and cause lung cancer. The tar irritates the mucous membranes. Tannic acid destroys the stomach.
Caffeine is diuretic/dehydrating, stresses and exhausts the adrenal glands, produces stress hormones so the body is in a state of stress and it drains the body. Caffeine raises blood pressure, affects blood sugar, can cause stomach problems, weakens hydrochloric acid production, causes heartburn, palpitations, irritation, anxiety, hallucinations, wrinkled skin, corrodes mucous membranes and tooth enamel, increases cholesterol, enlarges the prostate, causes certain cancers, risk of stomach ulcers, osteoporosis, muscle cramps, fatigue, depression.
Caffeine causes heart symptoms, such as extra beats, arrhythmias, poor circulation. Blood pressure increases. There is a connection between heart attacks and drinking coffee. Coffee reduces oxygen to the brain, which causes brain fog.
Coffee consumption can cause diarrhea. It is the body's way of quickly getting rid of the toxin.
Caffeine is related to cocaine. Ingestion leads to addiction.
Schizophrenia may be caused by caffeine “allergy”!
High coffee consumption can lead to anorexia, due to lack of appetite.
It can take 12 hours for a poorly functioning liver to detoxify a small cup of coffee. Caffeine thins the liver's cell walls and weakens the liver.
Caffeine is one of the toxic substances in the coffee bean that protects against insects. Caffeine is a natural insecticide.
Coffee contains cadmium and other chemicals.
A single cup of coffee changes the physiology of the brain. Coffee reduces blood flow to the brain by 40%. Adenosine (a neurotransmitter) controls blood flow to the brain. Caffeine blocks adenosine, which causes blood vessels to constrict and reduces blood flow. The brain's response to caffeine is to make more adenosine. This means that over time, the brain's chemistry changes and you need to drink more and more to get more of an effect. This can lead to addiction.
Some people are extremely sensitive to caffeine, and can therefore experience caffeine-related anxiety.
Caffeine passes into breast milk and ends up in the baby's brain, where it has the same effect as in your own brain. Drinking coffee causes increased fatigue, which is overcome with more coffee, and then the heart, blood vessels, nerves, stomach, liver, and kidneys are damaged. Coffee damages the genetics. The toxins in coffee whip the organs into increased activity when you should have been resting instead. The toxins are stored in the tissue, muscles, and joints and can later cause symptoms of rheumatism.
You can review your caffeine intake, and see if you actually feel better if you reduce or even stop. Halve your daily intake at first. Replace coffee with herbal tea and water. If you want to quit completely, taper off over 1 month for less withdrawal.
Some articles: – Mental illness or caffeine allergy, Hippocrates Health Institute. - The truth about coffee & cancer. - Scary facts about coffee.
Monica Lindgren