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About me

Certified Health Coach & Nutrition Expert

Beauty Products

In 2009 I visited Okinawa in Japan, and looked up the village of Ogimi Village where I knew many 100 year olds lived healthy. I was lucky enough to meet Ushi Okushima, 108, and her family. I was invited to their home. 5 generations of women were there with me that day.

I love being at a health home. I have been several times to Masesgården and Tallmogården. I have been at the Hippocrates Health Institute, today Hippocrates Wellness, in Florida, 7 years in a row, on their 3 week Life Transformation program. A total of 21 weeks = 5 months and 1 week of total detox and rebuilding of the whole me/my body/my cells!
I will continue to go to Hippocrates Wellness as soon as I have the opportunity, if only for a few days!
I am a proud ambassador for this fantastic health paradise!

I inspire doctors to come with me to Dr Days to learn about the lifestyle and bring it into their practice and for their patients and family members. 

I want to inspire healthy lifestyles. That people have responsibility for their health and a belief in their own vitality. I want to contribute to changing healthcare to healthy care. Change the future to the laws of nature, the way it was always intended.
I'm passionate about Longevity! To live healthy, long! 
In Okinawa, Japan there is a saying: "at 70 you are a child, at 80 you are young, and if at 90 you are invited to heaven, say: get out of here and come back when I am 100".

Thanks to my mom and dad who inspired me in my health choices. And my grandmother, who in the 1940s went to a rest home. 
Thank you Ingeborg!

Herbal Remedies

My mission is to spread awareness and knowledge about our own body and health and provide support and measures how we go about living a healthier life!

As a naturopath, I guide how we can strengthen and support our self-regenerating and self-healing body with lifestyle changes. How we can prevent disease and suffering, how we can provide our body with the right building materials.

My name is Monica. Born and raised in Stockholm. 
In 1984, I trained as a skin therapist at the private school Beauty Therapist School on Tegnergatan in Sthlm. 
During the 90s when I ran a skin care salon, I saw a change in some customers; they were sicker, overweight, on harmful medications.
In 2007, a letter arrived at my salon that said; "train as a Naturopath." I immediately felt that was my mission on earth! I sped up and trained as a nutritional therapist & herbalist. Also studied basic medicine. 
In 2010 I became a registered Naturopath in the Swedish Association of Naturopaths (SNLF) 

In the 2000s, I connected skin care with nutritional medicine and health/diseases. 


Should this below (my educations) be included??:

My educations:

2021  Cert. Global sisterhood facilitator

2015  Spa training Kerstin Florian, Sthlm

2014 – ff   IFM, Functional medicine conferences

2013 – 2020   7 times in 3 weeks Life Transformation program; Hippocrates Health Institute/ Hippocrates Wellness, Florida.  

2012  Certified supervisor in grief processing

2010 Medical yoga instructor

2010  Registered in the Swedish Association of Naturopathic Physicians (SNLF)

2010 Grand hotel Spa, Sthlm, Raison Detre´, 6 weeks spa training

2007-2009  Nutrition & herbalist, Sthlm

2008 Basic medicine 40 p

2006  Red Cross knowledge

2005 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation course

2004 Indian Champissage therapist

1999  Reflexologist, Axelsons, Sthlm

1994-1995 Boca Raton Institute, USA, Certificate of Completion Cosmetologist

1988 Microbiology and hygiene

1988  Pharmacology and pathology

1984-2008  Kanebo/Sensai massage training courses and retailers

1984   Cidesco-authorized skin therapist, Sthlm

1984  Beauty Therapist School, Sthlm

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